Our team lives, breathes and dreams “hospitality”.
We are as passionate about catering as we are about hotels, home-grown products and the latest technologies.
Each member, through his skills and expertise, contributes to the success of our missions.
Our common goal is to share our wealth and transmit our passion to you by delivering a service adapted to your needs.

Markus Bölke
Markus Bölke
General Director and Co-Founder of PHAR
A seasoned entrepreneur, Markus, through his multicultural experience and business acumen, has made PHAR into a real player in hospitality...
Joël Steiner
Joël Steiner
Senior Consultant for Purchasing and procurement, responsible for intern projects, management of suppliers portfolio...
Jean-Marc Panchaud
Jean-Marc Panchaud
Director PHAR Accounting & HR SA
Swiss Certified Public Accountant and holder of CAS HES-SO in merger & acquisition. Individual member of EXPERTsuisse ...
Jürgen Sperber
Jürgen Sperber
Manager for German part of Switzerland
Specialist for conception ; follow-up and advices for our clients in German part of Switzerland...
Michel Fouqué
Michel Fouqué
Director PHAR Mauritius
Lead the local team and guest portfolio with a focus on setting up and driving projects.
Benoit Dufaure de Citres
Benoit Dufaure de Citres
Consulting Manager
Manager of consulting team, specialist for audits and processes Follow-up and advises for our clients Establishment of action plans, analyse of costs and purchasing...
Karen Richard
Karen Richard
Head Consultant Mauritius
Market monitoring, management of purchase requests, follow-up and advice to Mauritian clients Analysis and negotiation of various contracts.
Nicolas Crétin
Nicolas Crétin
Food and Beverage Operations consultant
Assess weaknesses, areas of improvement and support audited team to take actions to improve their performance level ...
Steve Uebersax
Steve Uebersax
Purchase and Cost Control Consultant
Market watch, advice closing and monthly cost, audits and monitoring of action plans, specialist catering consultancy, CFC in catering & hospitality...
Pascal Parati
Pascal Parati
Purchasing and Cost Control Consultant
Management of sourcing requests, various analysis, advices for monthly closing and cost...
Samuel Grillet-Aubert
Samuel Grillet-Aubert
Purchasing and Cost Control consultant
Professional baccalaureate and BTS hotel catering, kitchen option, at Hotel school Thonon...
Milena Perfetti
Milena Perfetti
Consultant Purchasing and Cost Control
Consultant German and French Part of Switzerland
Florian Stroubhard
Florian Stroubhard
Follow-up and advices for our clients in French part of Switzerland
Robert Vannay
Robert Vannay
Specialist in Management of tenders and public tenders, follow-up and advice to our clients.Analysis and negotiations of various contracts.
Janett Bigière
Janett Bigière
Responsible Administration
Management of kickbacks and billing, coodination with the other departments, support for the management...
Brigitta Bréhonnet
Brigitta Bréhonnet
Administrative Assistant             
Contact for members and suppliers for all information, billing and follow up...
Amandine Pizzuto
Amandine Pizzuto
Humain Resources Manager
Complete Management of payroll, social assurances Administrative personnel management Personalised advices...
Samara Cruz
Samara Cruz
Assistant Human Resources Manager
Administrative and payroll management...
Mélanie François
Mélanie François
Human Resources Assistant
Administrative personnel management
Meygan Mounin
Meygan Mounin
Manager Accounting
Consultant and specialist in accounting Complete management of accounting Personalised advises and analises...
Aleksandra Andric
Aleksandra Andric
Assistant Accounting Manager
Complete accounting management Process improvement...
Cristina Tesfagabir
Cristina Tesfagabir
Junior Accountant
Accounting tasks, data entry...